Outline planning permission

The outline planning permission was granted in July 2018. 

This means that the principle of development has been agreed as long as what is built meets with the conditions in the Decision Notice and the legal agreement. These can be accessed below:

Legal Agreement (Section.106)

The legal agreement, known as a Section 106, can be found below:

Some of the conditions in the decision notice require further details, either in the form of more detailed planning applications, (the reserved matters), or as applications to discharge planning conditions.

Applications to discharge conditions which have been submitted can be viewed via the planning applications webpage

There are also requirements to provide further details or undertake tasks written into the legal agreement. Where this involves the submission of further key documents they will be added below once they have been agreed.

Approved design documents

This sets out overall design principles. See below:

The detailed design and layout of future phases of the development will be guided by the Development Framework Plan which was approved to discharge condition 10 of the outline permission (discharge of condition referenced P/19/2406/2) on 25/04/2019.


A phasing plan has been agreed to guide the stages of development for the duration of construction in accordance with condition 9 of the outline permission (discharge of condition application P/18/2406/2).

The phasing of the development is shown in the following plan:

Transport Assessment

This shows how vehicle movements were assessed. See below:

Environmental Impact Assessment

This is required for some developments above a certain size such as this. It assesses the impact of the development on areas of the environment. There is a short summary of this called the Non technical summary below:

There is also a longer version of this document and a series of technical appendices that were submitted with the planning application. The longer summary report is included below and the appendices can be viewed by doing a specific planning application search for P/14/1833/2 via Planning Portal.

Recreational Facilities

This document outlines the recreational facilities to be provided across the site.

Reserved Matters

The first reserved matters for Phase 1 and 2 were agreed at Plans Committee on July 15, 2021.

The submissions include details for the first phase of the development to be delivered by Persimmon homes at Phase 1a, located to the north east of the site and accessed from the A6.

Details of the proposals, including details for the discharge of conditions 11 (Children and Young Peoples Strategy), 14 (site wide structural landscaping), 39 (landscape scheme for registered park and garden), 43 (noise) and 50 (odour), can be found via planning explorer under application reference P/20/0515/2

Reserved matters for the access, appearance, landscaping and scale relating to phase 1b/1c were approved subject to conditions on October 8, 2021.

Details can be found under application referenced P/20/2187/2. A copy of the decision notice and overview of the layout is provided below:


As the project progresses important contact details will be added here. At present the Case Officer at Charnwood Borough Council can be contacted at Garendon.Park@charnwood.gov.uk.

William Davis Ltd are developing part of the site. A contact address for William Davis shall be made available when it is released.

Persimmon Homes who are developing the majority of the site are currently appointing a site manager. His or her contact details will appear here once they are released.

Leicestershire County Council who are conducting the works on the A512 can be contacted here

Last updated: Mon 11th October, 2021 @ 14:21