An outline planning application was approved in July 2018.
It includes many background documents that informed the decision.Key ones are linked to here (include link to key documents page). The application documents are listed in full on the council’s website and can be found here:
Outline planning permission was granted subject to 51 conditions. Many of these require further details to be submitted and approved in writing. These details are submitted as planning applications called discharge of condition applications. As these are submitted links to them will appear here:
Discharge of condition applications
The following discharge of conditions applications have been received:
App Ref |
Description |
Decision date |
Approved docs |
Discharge of conditions 9, 25, 28 of P/14/1833/2 regarding Site Wide Phasing Plan, Public Transport Strategy, and Site Wide SuDs Strategy. |
Approved 25/07/2019 |
Garendon Park Delivery Statement Rev A 31/1/19; |
Discharge of condition 10 of P/14/1833/2 for phases 1 and 2 regarding Development Framework Plan including Regulating Plan |
Approved 25/04/2019 |
Phases 1 & 2 Development Framework Plan Document (Feb 2019) |
RMA Phase 1a + Discharge of outline conditions 11, 14, 39, 43, 50 |
Approved 19/07/2021 |
Phase 1a – Reserved matters |
Discharge of condition - Phase 1a |
Pending |
Discharge of condition 3 (provision of surface water drainage) and 10 (surface water drainage) of P/20/0515/2 |
Discharge of condition - Outline |
Pending |
Discharge of conditions 29 (phase SUDS), 30 (phase disposal of surface water), 33 (foul sewage drainage plans and timescale), 34 (site wide green infrastructure and biodiversity management strategy and timescale), 36 (phase green infrastructure and biodiversity management strategy), 37 (phase arboricultural method statement), 38 (phase archaeological investigation) & 51 (phase ecological survey update) of P/14/1833/2 |
Discharge of condition - Phase 1a |
Pending |
Discharge of condition 7 (Details of hard landscaping) and 11 (scheme for PROW) of P/20/0515/2 |
Discharge of condition - Outline |
Pending |
Discharge of conditions 26 (pedestrian cycle link detail and timescales), 31 (phase filter of surface water during construction) and 35 (phase CEMP and timescale) of P/14/1833/2 |
Discharge of condition - Phase 1a |
Pending |
Discharge of condition 6 (details of boundary treatment) of P/20/0515/2 |
Section 106 Legal Agreement Obligations
There are clauses within the legal agreement that require further details to be submitted and agreed. As these are submitted and agreed links to them will appear here.
Environmental impact
Separate regulations require an assessment of environmental impacts of the scheme alongside the planning application. This was done as part of the original outline planning application for the whole site but it is likely to be revisited with each phase to see if further submissions are needed.
For phase 1 the developer has asked Charnwood whether further information is needed (called a screening opinion) and the decision has been made that no further Environmental Assessment Documents are needed for phase 1.
Below is a link to the documents:
Reserved Matters Planning Applications
Detailed planning applications for areas within the site (the reserved matters) will be made as the development proceeds. Consultation on these will take place in the normal way.
Reserved matters applications have been received for the following phases.
Below are links to the relevant documents:
- Phase 1a: P/20/0515/2
- Phase 1b and 1c: P/20/2187/2
As the project progresses important contact details will be added here. At present the Case Officer at Charnwood Borough Council can be contacted at
William Davis Ltd are developing part of the site. A contact address for William Davis shall be made available when it is released.
Persimmon Homes who are developing the majority of the site are currently appointing a site manager. His or her contact details will appear here once they are released.
Leicestershire County Council who are conducting the works on the A512 can be contacted here
Last updated: Tue 11th October, 2022 @ 15:58