There are nine main characteristics which relate to equality and discrimination, these are; age, disability, sex, race, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.

As a council we are determined to continually develop our equalities agenda to ensure that the borough is a place where residents and visitors feel they belong.

We aim to fulfil our legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010 by eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation and creating opportunities for those sectors mentioned above.

This also includes removing and minimising disadvantages, taking steps to meet the needs of different people and encouraging people from protected groups to participate in society.

More information on the public sector equality duty

General advice

General advice and support on equality issues is available from the following organisations and agencies:

Age and disability

Race, religion and belief

Gender, sexual orientation and gender reassignment

Last updated: Wed 4th December, 2024 @ 10:55