The council recognises that many residents may want to remember loved ones with a memorial in an area owned and managed by us such as parks or woodlands, including:
- Queens Park
- Southfields Park
- The Outwoods
- Loughborough Cemetery
We are also willing to accept applications at other open spaces which are managed by us. Have a look at our interactive map to see if there are any other open spaces which you may be interested in.
We are happy to accommodate requests for memorials in most cases, but it is important to remember that open spaces are enjoyed by a wide range of users and residents.
Read the full Open Spaces Memorial Guidance Note 2020 (PDF Document, 0.19 Mb).
The Crematorium at Loughborough is managed by a private company, Dignity Funeral Services: 01509 230240.
Memorial Benches
Applicants can apply for benches to be installed in open spaces in memory of loved ones. These could be refurbishment of existing benches or replacements for old benches, but additional benches in new locations will be considered.
Memorial Benches within the public Highway
The placing of benches within the public highway is dealt with by the proposer entering into a legal agreement with Leicestershire County Council as Highway Authority to place, maintain and insure such an item.
If the application is from an individual then they have to supply location plans, details of the bench and how it will be fixed within the highway, if any excavation (breaking of the surface is necessary), which will require a separate excavation licence, and details of public liability insurance up to £5m for any one event.
The application is subject to consultation with neighbouring properties and Charnwood Borough Council. Any objections would be considered before allowing the application.
With memorial benches it is recommended that any memorial is discreet, usually a small plaque fixed to the bench. All statutory utility companies must also be consulted by the applicant to ensure that access to any underground apparatus is not affected.
There is a fee for the legal costs and details of the fees and conditions of a licence to excavate the highway can be found on the Leicestershire County Council website.
Memorial Trees
Applicants can also enquire about planting a memorial tree in memory of a loved one. The planting of trees may not be possible in some open space and locations will need to be discussed with the Council prior to the application being made. The number of trees permissible may be limited dependant on location.
Ashes and other types of memorial
Ashes will only be scattered in a location agreed in advance by the Head of Environmental Services. No flowers or similar memorials shall be permitted to mark the occasion or the site at any time.
We will only permit memorials to individuals. Applications for memorials to any historical event or deceased pets will not be considered.
Applications for other types of memorial will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Memorials should be standard park features (e.g. shrubs or gates) rather than additional sculptures or pieces of art.
How to apply
All applications for memorials and to scatter ashes in open spaces should initially be made to our open spaces team by calling 01509 634563.
The applicant will require the permission from the next of kin to progress the application and all memorials must be paid for before the completion of installation.
Application forms for a memorial bench or plaque, and for memorial trees can be found below:
- Memorial bench application form - April 2024 (PDF Document, 0.16 Mb)
- Memorial tree application form - April 2024 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
It is always advisable to insure a memorial against accidental damage and vandalism, making sure the cover takes effect immediately it is erected.
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Last updated: Mon 10th October, 2022 @ 16:24