Colleagues at Charnwood Borough Council

We provide many services for our communities as we deliver our corporate aims to care for the environment, create healthy communities and support a thriving economy.

Under the Council's Your Council priority, we are committed to continually improving so we can deliver better services for residents and help colleagues develop.

Some of the services we deliver are below.


The Council:

  • empties bins for over 70,000 homes
  • operates a garden waste collection service
  • operates a trade waste service
  • manages over 600 acres of open spaces including Queen’s Park and Southfield Park in Loughborough, the Outwoods which is an ancient woodland on the edge of town and Charnwood Water
  • maintains 22 football pitches, 5 cricket pitches, three bowling greens, an 18-hole par 3 golf course plus tennis courts at Nanpantan Road and Park Road
  • manage Loughborough Cemetery and Nanpantan Road Cemetery
  • protect trees using tree preservation orders
  • protect the environment through planning policies
  • ensure waterways on Council land are clear to reduce flooding


The Council:

  • provides housing advice to people
  • manages 5,500 council homes and 12 sheltered court complexes
  • operates Charnwood Lifeline for vulnerable residents
  • monitors nearly 250 CCTV cameras across the borough
  • are part of Charnwood Community Safety Partnership and support crime prevention campaigns
  • provides vital funding to strategic partners to provide services in communities
  • operates Charnwood Grants to fund community projects
  • helps community groups secure funding from other sources
  • works with partners to tackle anti-social behaviour
  • investigates fly-tipping and reports of littering and dog fouling
  • deals with noise and odour complaints
  • carries out food safety inspections
  • supports businesses with advice on regulations
  • manages the licensing of taxis and licensed premises
  • operates three leisure centres through our partner Fusion Lifestyle
  • organises leisure activities for thousands of people each year
  • works with partners and stakeholders on a variety of projects
  • works with parish councils on local issues
  • operates two business centres


The Council:

  • operates Loughborough Town Hall which is home to a popular theatre and the Sock Gallery which is also used for events such as weddings
  • runs Charnwood Museum in conjunction with Leicestershire County Council
  • looks after the town’s war memorial “The Carillon” which is based in Queen’s Park
  • runs Loughborough Markets, which in 2021 celebrated the 800th anniversary of being granted a Royal Charter
  • organises Loughborough Fair every November which brings thousands of people to town
  • handles around 3,000 applications for planning and building control consents each year
  • sets out the long-term growth of the borough to ensure there are homes for people to live in and jobs for the future
  • attracts inwards investment through our investment brand in Charnwood
  • deals with dangerous buildings and structures
  • supports tourism through promotion and campaigns
  • works with Love Loughborough to support the town centre
  • runs award-winning public conveniences
  • during the pandemic issued over £50 million of government grants to local businesses  

Your Council

The Council:

  • supports the work of 52 councillors, including around 150 committee meetings a year, plus training events
  • organises elections including a count venue and around 70 polling stations as well as carrying out an annual canvass to ensure people are registered to vote
  • collects council tax and distributes benefits
  • each year issues around 160 press releases and 3,500 social media posts, produces four publications for tenants and carries out a number of consultations
  • operates support services including legal, HR, learning and development and communications to help teams deliver their services
  • works with partners in emergencies, such as flooding and the pandemic, to ensure people are safe and protected
  • monitor performance and publish results

We do all this and more for around 10 per cent of the average Band D Council Tax bill in Charnwood. The rest goes to Leicestershire County Council, police and fire service.

Last updated: Fri 3rd March, 2023 @ 13:59