Housing tenancy services are responsible for managing and maintaining 2,680 trees.

These are trees located on Charnwood Borough Council-managed communal land around our properties.

Any trees within private enclosed gardens (e.g. houses, some bungalows) are the responsibility of the tenant as stated in the terms of the tenancy agreement.

For further advice and information please contact your Tenancy and Estate Management Officer on 01509 634666 or email .

Our policy on tree management

We use our policy on tree management to inform you on what work we carry out. We make the most of our limited budget to maintain the health of our trees and additional tree work is generally only carried out:

  • if a tree is dead, dying or dangerous
  • where a tree is the primary cause of damage to buildings, walls or footpaths (eg if a root was lifting paving slabs or damaging a wall)
  • if branches are obscuring signs or street lighting columns

Tree policy and protocol

Trees and Hedgerows Policy

Prioritising tree management

We receive a number of calls regarding trees blocking light into properties and leaves blocking guttering but, with a limited budget to maintain nearly 3,000 trees, this type of work is not considered a priority. We have to use our resources to manage the health and safety risks of trees instead.

Last updated: Fri 31st May, 2024 @ 08:47