Armed Forces Day takes place on the last Saturday each June, falling this year on June 29.

It is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving personnel to Service families, veterans and cadets.

It also marks the culmination of a week of celebrations, beginning on Monday June 24, when the public shows their support and appreciation for the Armed Forces community. It also includes Reserves Day on Wednesday June 26, which provides the country with an opportunity to recognise our Reserve Forces.

Celebrating Armed Forces Day in Charnwood

Military personnel will be attending the Celebration Charnwood event taking place at Southfields Park in Loughborough on Saturday June 29 as part of Armed Forces Day 2024. They will be running activities throughout the day and military vehicles will be present for visitors to view.

Find out more about Celebrating Charnwood

Raising of the Armed Forces Day flag

Capt. Ben Wing, representatives from 159 Regt Royal Logistic Corps, the Royal British Legion and the armed forces community met at the council offices on Southfields Road, Loughborough on Monday June 24 for the raising of the Armed Forces flag.

A small ceremony saw addresses from Deputy Lieutenant David Lindley Esq QPM DL and the Mayor of Charnwood, Cllr Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE.

Both paid tribute all who have served in the armed forces and thanked the armed forces community as a whole.

View photos from the event

Colouring-in sheets

Do you have any budding artists in your family or community who would like to show their support? Why not print off an Armed Forces Day colouring-in sheet and display it in your window? You could even post a photo of your masterpieces onto Facebook or Twitter and tag the Armed Forces Day accounts.

Armed Forces Day 2024 logo

Last updated: Mon 24th June, 2024 @ 14:55