Meet the communities and wellbeing team.

Verity Graham

Communities and Wellbeing Manager

Responsible for

  • Neighbourhood Development Officers who work alongside and support communities in the identified Priority Neighbourhoods and around the Borough
  • Voluntary and Community Sector Development Officer and Grants Business Support Officer, supporting the VCS and the delivery of the Charnwood Community Grants programme, Strategic Partners and Charnwood Lottery
  • Sports and Active Recreation Manager and their team delivering a wide range of physical and health and wellbeing activities across the borough
  • Managing programmes and projects to improve outcomes for communities across the Borough, with a particular focus on priority neighbourhoods, community cohesion, and vulnerable communities
  • Lead member of the Charnwood Health and Wellbeing Partnership and wider district and county partnerships


Rebecca Walton

Neighbourhood Development Officer

  • Neighbourhood Development Officer working in partnership with communities and agencies in Warwick Way (Storer Ward), Ashby Road & Thorpe Acre areas (Ashby Ward).
  • Oversees the work of Altogether Place, the Community Hub in Warwick Way.
  • Supports ARECA (Ashby Road Estates Community Association) running of The Hut on Old Ashby Road.


Working days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Chris Covill

Neighbourhood Development Officer

  • Neighbourhood Development Officer working in partnership with communities and agencies in Loughborough East Ward. (Previously Hastings and Lemington Wards.)
  • Oversees the work of the Marios Tinenti Centre, a community hub on the Bell Foundry estate.
  • Provides support to the Charnwood Mental Health Network


Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Nadja Rein

Neighbourhood Development Officer

  • Neighbourhood Development Officer working partnership with communities and agencies in Shelthorpe Ward
  • Provides support to the Mental Health Networks in Charnwood
  • Coordinates Charnwood Community Heroes


Working Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Last updated: Thu 22nd August, 2024 @ 09:13