Our Neighbourhoods and Partnerships team works with residents, communities, the voluntary sector and many other key partners to help to improve the local environment, encourage and support community members and improve the health and wellbeing for all residents.
The key aims of this service is to help to empower people to work together, to take a lead role in their communities, help to make changes for the better and ensuring they have a voice that is heard.
Part of our focus is to support the work of voluntary and community organisations to continue to build on their successes, through offering advice and guidance and helping with funding opportunities, alongside the Charnwood Grants scheme and Charnwood Community Lottery.
Neighbourhood Management
Neighbourhood Management is a process which brings the local community and local service providers together, at a neighbourhood level, to support communities, tackle local problems and improve local services. It aims to tailor services to local areas by recognising local priorities and identified areas of concern. Working in partnership both with residents and other services is a key to the success of Neighbourhood Management. Our Neighbourhood Development Officers work with communities and partners in Charnwood’s Priority Neighbourhoods.
The role of our Neighbourhood Development Officers is very varied. Many of you will have seen the end result of the work our Neighbourhood Development Officers do with local people. You might have attended a fun day organised by a local resident’s group, taken part in a gardening project, or visited one of our community hubs. Our Neighbourhood Development Officers are there behind the scenes helping to support the community to make this happen. This could involve gathering evidence for projects, helping groups to get funding to deliver activities and building relationships with people who want to make positive changes in their community, making sure their voice is heard.
Why focus on Priority Neighbourhoods?
The Priority Neighbourhoods require a more specific and supported approach to resolving issues and improving lives. The areas often identify as having increased issues such as unemployment, low income, health related issues and are often hot spots for crime and antisocial behaviour and community tensions. The impact on all residents in these areas can be significant and working in these neighbourhoods to help improve community confidence, engagement and ensuring residents know that their voice will be heard are key priorities.
How were the Priority Neighbourhoods chosen?
Since 2004 the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) have been used to identify areas which have experienced higher levels of deprivation. Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) are small areas within a ward which contain approximately 1,500 people. There are 100 LSOAs in Charnwood. The LSOAs are ranked across England from 1 (most deprived) to 32,844 (least deprived). Ranks are based on domains like Crime, Income, Health, Employment and Housing. The most recent IMD data is from 2019.
More information about the 2019 IMD and police data for your area is available at the following links:
- public.tableau.com/profile/r.i.team.leicestershire.county.council#!/vizhome/ID2019DashboardFINAL/Introduction
- www.police.uk/pu/your-area/
Where are the Priority Neighbourhoods?
The areas recognised as Priority Neighbourhoods are:
- Loughborough East (parts of Hastings ward, Lemyngton Ward, Shelthorpe Ward)
- Loughborough West (parts of Warwick Way estate, Thorpe Acre, Garendon Road, Ashby Road)
- South Charnwood (parts of Mountsorrel, Syston, Thurmaston)
Last updated: Tue 24th January, 2023 @ 09:00