We have been developing the Charnwood Local Plan 2021-37 for several years.

It provides a robust strategy for growth which simultaneously safeguards the environment and builds healthy communities here in Charnwood.

It sets out the location of land and infrastructure needed for the development required to support the growth of the borough up to 2037.

The plan identifies how the borough will meet increased Government targets for new homes, as well as providing employment land and critical infrastructure.

We have developed the plan using objectively assessed evidence which runs to thousands of pages. We have also held four consultations with the latest final public consultation held in 2021 when there were around 800 comments made.

We submitted the Charnwood Local Plan 2021-37 to Government at the end of 2021 and the examination process is now at an advanced stage.

Consultation on Main Modifications to the Charnwood Local Plan 2021- 2037

Following hearing sessions held in June 2022, October 2022, February 2023 and February 2024 for the Examination of the Charnwood Local Plan, the Government-appointed Planning Inspectors examining the Local Plan have recommended a number of Main Modifications to make the Plan ‘sound’. Soundness is defined in the National Planning Policy Framework and an explanation of this can be found in the guidance note.

The consultation on the proposed Main Modifications takes place between Wednesday July 17 and 5pm on Wednesday September 4, 2024.

What are Main Modifications to the Local Plan?

Main modifications are material changes to the submitted plan which are necessary to make it sound and legally compliant. Main Modifications are proposed without prejudice to the Inspectors’ final conclusions on the Local Plan.

What is being consulted on?

There are three elements to the consultation

  • Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications
  • Updated Housing Land Supply Position
  • Schedule of Proposed Changes to Policies Maps 1 and 2.

These are explained in more detail below. There are seven documents that comprise the Main Modifications consultation and one provided for comments.

1. Schedule of Proposed Main Modification

The consultation invites representations on the following main modification documents:

The Council has also produced a tracked changed version of the Local Plan to read alongside the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to assist in seeing how the Main Modifications fit into the wider context of the Local Plan chapters. 

This document can be viewed below. It is important to note that this document is to aide the consultation itself and separate comments should not be made on the document. 

To note, the document only includes Main Modifications ‘text’. The Main Modifications to Local Plan diagrams can be viewed in EXAM 82.

2. Updated Housing Land Supply Position

The Council has updated its housing land supply position to the end of March 2024 and has produced a number of documents to support this position as part of the Proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan.  The Inspectors are inviting representations on the following documents:

3. Schedule of Proposed Changes to Policies Maps 1 and 2

The Policies Maps do not form part of the development plan itself therefore the Council is proposing a number of changes to them rather than main modifications.  This is to ensure that they are factually correct and provide an accurate representation of the Local Plan policies.  The Council is inviting comments on the following document:

All of the supporting evidence base that has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate can be found here, the Submission documents here and all of the Examination documents that have been produced can be found here.

How can I comment?

As with previous Local Plan consultations, representations should address whether the Plan is legal and meets the “Tests of Soundness”.

A guidance note has been produced to help with responding to the consultation.

  • You can also make representations and comments in writing and send to: Local Plans Team, Charnwood Borough Council, Southfield Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 2TN.

Please note that representations and comments must be received by 5pm on Wednesday September 4, 2024.

Responses should only be made in relation to the documents outlined in sections 1, 2 and 3 above. This consultation is not an opportunity to repeat or raise further representations about the Local Plan or to seek further changes to it. 

What will happen after the consultation?

All responses will be made public and will be submitted to the Inspectors following this consultation. The Inspectors will then consider the responses and prepare a report for the Council. Should that report find the plan sound subject to main modifications the Local Plan will then be adopted by the Council.

Last updated: Tue 23rd July, 2024 @ 14:37